Rights & Responsibilities

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Patient Rights

Through a team-based care approach, the Tilbury District Family Health Team is committed to providing continuous, comprehensive, patient-centered care. As a patient you have rights and responsibilities that are further described below:


  • Be treated in a kind and respectful way.
  • Expect that all information about your health care will be kept private and confidential in accordance with the personal health information law (refer to the TDFHT privacy and confidentiality policy).
  • Be given information in a way you will understand and is meaningful to you.
  • Expect that your health care team will share relevant information with each other within the circle of care, unless otherwise restricted by you.
  • Participate in making decisions about your care.
  • Culturally-sensitive care.
  • Know the names and roles of people involved in your care.
  • Express your concerns and get answers to your questions.
  • Be told of the fees not covered by OHIP and that you or your family will have to pay.


  • Be polite and respect other patients, visitors, and members of the health care team (protocol on this).
  • Recognize that the needs of other patients and families may sometimes be more urgent than your own.
  • Give accurate information to your health care team to help them plan your care.
  • Give your health care team the name of the person who will represent you if you cannot make decisions by yourself.
  • Follow the plan of care the best way you can.
  • Accept responsibility for the decisions you make about your treatment.
  • Take care of your personal things.
  • Respect clinic property and act in a safe and responsible way.
  • Understand and be responsible for all expenses not covered by OHIP.
  • Notify your health care provider if you cannot make an appointment.